

斯威夫特 is the new programming language for iOS and OS X development. It borrows from languages such as C, objective - c, and other modern programming languages. A proficient 斯威夫特 developer is usually someone who is also proficient with objective - c. However, the programming language being used is just part of what builds a great application.


斯威夫特 is the new programming language for iOS and OS X development. It borrows from languages such as C, objective - c, and other modern programming languages. A proficient 斯威夫特 developer is usually someone who is already good with objective - c. However, the programming language being used is just part of what builds a great application. If you are looking for an iOS developer specifically, please refer to our iOS开发人员职位描述模板

Writing a good job description and advertisement for a 斯威夫特 developer requires an emphasis to be placed on the specific technologies necessary for the project. When you are looking for an advanced 斯威夫特 developer to fill a specific niche, posting a generic 斯威夫特 developer description in your job ad will bring numerous applications from people who are unfamiliar with the required technologies or have very limited knowledge of the platform as a whole.

This article will provide you with a sample 斯威夫特 developer job description that will help you write a perfect job ad, and assure that you easily find and hire the person that matches your specific criteria.




{{Write a short and catchy paragraph about your company. Make sure to provide information about the company’s culture, perks, and benefits. 提及办公时间, 远程工作的可能性, and everything else you think of that makes your company interesting.}}


We are looking for a 斯威夫特 developer responsible for the development and maintenance of applications aimed towards iOS and OS X, 包括手机, 平板电脑, 和成熟的电脑. Your primary focus will be the development of such applications and their integration with back-end services. You will be working alongside other 工程师 and developers working on different layers of the infrastructure. 因此, 致力于合作解决问题, 复杂的设计, 创造高质量的产品至关重要.


  • 为iOS和OS X设计和构建应用程序
  • Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications
  • Collaborate with a team to define, design, and ship new features
  • 识别和纠正瓶颈并修复错误
  • Help maintain code quality, organization and automatization
  • {{Add other responsibilities here that are relevant}}


  • Proficient in 斯威夫特, with a good knowledge of its ecosystems
  • Solid understanding of object-oriented programming
  • 有在OS X上使用可可 api的经验
  • Good knowledge of performance limits and characteristics
  • 了解内存管理和多线程
  • Experience with embedded databases and other system datastores
  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect to back-end services
  • 良好的UI设计意识和以用户为导向的焦点
  • Knowledge of low-level C-based libraries is a plus
  • Implementation of automated testing platforms and unit tests
  • 基准测试和优化的技巧
  • Understanding of Apple’s design principles and interface guidelines
  • 精通代码版本控制工具 {{e.g. Git、Mercurial或SVN}}
  • 熟悉持续集成
  • {{Make sure to mention any frameworks, libraries, or any other technology relevant to your project}}
  • {{List education level or certification you require}}
参见:Toptal不断增长的社区驱动列表 斯威夫特面试必备问题

Toptal Engineers最近的斯威夫特文章


斯威夫特 is a general purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language developed by Apple. 它很强大, 直观的, 并适用于广泛的平台, 包括移动设备, 手表, 台式电脑, 还有云. Thanks to being open-sourced, it became popular very quickly. 斯威夫特的代码简单、交互且有趣. The syntax is concise yet expressive, applications are safe by design, and run very fast.



Read a list of great community-driven 斯威夫特 interview questions.
Read them, comment on them, or even contribute your own.



Toptal是一个面向顶级斯威夫特开发者的市场, 工程师, 程序员, 程序员, 架构师, 和顾问. Top companies and startups can hire Toptal dedicated (full-time), 每小时, or part-time 斯威夫特 freelancers for their mission-critical software projects.




As a software engineer with over a decade of experience, Josip has developed a keen sense of building scalable, 可维护的, 以及用户友好的应用程序. His platform of choice is iOS for which he has designed and developed a wide range of applications, 从简单到复杂, 大规模的应用. Josip is a proven team leader and a team player with exemplary communication and social skills.




Ryan is a senior-level iOS and web developer passionate about creating amazing user interfaces and experiences. He's very comfortable working anywhere in the development stack and has 10+ years of doing it. 他善于辞令的, 很容易沟通, 快速回应, and excels at figuring out optimal solutions for any challenge you present. Ryan has an entrepreneurial drive and understands the challenges startups face.




With 15+ years of success building great digital products around the world, 乔希以同情心和榜样来领导. He will jump in the trenches with the rest of the team whenever needed and bring clear strategy to help us steer safely through the turbulent waters of the digital sea. Josh's tools of choice are evidence, empathy, clear and dynamic communication, and a growth mindset.


Discover More 斯威夫特 开发人员 in the Toptal Network


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